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chess club


“Tallinn 2020” youth classical chess series, second stage
The second stage of “Tallinn 2020” youth classical chess series has concluded. In tournament A,  overall second place went to Sofia Blokhin with a score of 5 points out of 6. The winner of the stage was Nikita Rychagov from Malekool 64. In tournament B, the prize for the best result among girls was won by Sofiya Orlova. The winner of the tournament B was  Artyom Alekseev from Vabaettur chess club. Congratulations! Many thanks to the series organizer Monika Tsiganova and referee Askold Nassar for the impeccable organization of both tournaments and a rare opportunity for us to play classical chess at home with calculation of international rating.
Estonian U-12 and U-18 championships
On Thursday, January 23, Estonian classical chess championships under 12 and 18 begin in Tallinn. Our club is represented by: U-12 girls: Sofiya Orlova, Maria Helena Rudiger U-12 boys: Georg Blokhin, Ostap Mertins, Mikhail Cherentsov U-18 girls: Sofia Blokhin Best of luck to all participants!